Function: Marine Reference
Rating: **
Cost: $4.99

This app will replace your library of resource books and manuals and allow your to quickly and easily access a host of nautical information while on the water. All data is stored on your device so it can be viewed and used offline.
COLREGS - The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea
The app contains the digitized version published by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The app provides easy access at sea or for study on land. It’s easier to use and more assible than the paper version and always at your fingertips.
The app has an interactive and comprehensive collection of navigation lights and shapes both the USCG twilight images and zero light graphic renderings from each prospective. This tool is designed for instant access at the helm or when studying for your COLREGS exams.
GPS Position
Quickly determine your longitude and latitude if you are running this app on your iPhone.
Navigation Chart Symbols
Every symbol the USCG uses is listed here in an easy to use wheel selector. Simply spin the symbol wheel with your thumb and the definition of the corresponding chart symbol will be displayed in the window below.
Maritime Flags
Ever wonder what that flag means over on that other boat? Just spin the flag wheel, stop on the flag in question and the definition will be displayed instantly. We have also included the description common uses for these flags in modern day etiquette.
SOLAS Symbols
SOLAS symbols, stickers and signs are listed here along with their meaning for use on-board or to prep for your IMO exams.
Marine VHF and SSB Radio
Procedures, examples, phonetic alphabet, channels and frequencies for VHF users in the USA, Canada and internationally (MCA).
SSB users will enjoy fast access to frequencies for Marine SSB, Marine Distress R/T & DSC, HF Ship to Ship, Simplex HF, Yachtsmans Nets, HF Coastal Stations, MF & HF Global Coastguard Stations (MRCC) and Distress & Safety (SAR) communication.
Unit Converter
Every conversion you can think of and a hundred more. Whether it’s a simple fuel conversion from UK Gallons to Liters or a complicated Flow-Mass calculation, this tool has more conversions than any master mariner or naval architect will ever need
Glossary of Maritime and Yachting Terms
1383 terms used from ocean going ships to lake boats have been compiled in this fast and easy to use index.
This image catalog boasts real photos of common cloud formations along with their meteorological definitions, and what can be learned and predicted from reading these atmospheric phenomena
Morse Code
Help in decoding those dits and dahs. Either search the Morse code tool by graphics or alpha numeric.
Weather Wind Barbs
Offers quick reference to common wind charting systems. This tool boasts wind speed cross reference between Knots, MPH, direction, etc
Sound Signals
Quickly reference and learn all the sound signals needed for maneuvering and passing situations both on the high seas and inland waterways.
The app is a very useful tool to access almost any reference material needed while navigating at sea or in coastal waters. For $5 bucks it is well worth the price. There are free apps out there providing some of this information. This app combines them all in one place for easy access.
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